Are there any incentives to purchase or lease a Dynasty electric vehicle?
There are Federal, State, County, and City incentives available in the United States. These incentives may come in the form of tax credits, cash rebates, free charging, and free parking. In addition to a 10% Federal tax credit in the United States, individual States offer additional incentives. Click on the link to view your State.
In British Columbia the Dynasty vehicle qualifies for a 50% point of sale reduction in the Provincial Sales Tax.
Recommended Links: Electric Drive Transportation Association
There are Federal, State, County, and City incentives available in the United States. These incentives may come in the form of tax credits, cash rebates, free charging, and free parking. In addition to a 10% Federal tax credit in the United States, individual States offer additional incentives. Click on the link to view your State.
In British Columbia the Dynasty vehicle qualifies for a 50% point of sale reduction in the Provincial Sales Tax.
Recommended Links: Electric Drive Transportation Association